While I'm stirring my chocolate, I need to bring the temperature down to around 86 - 88° depending on what type of chocolate I'm using.
If I have a lot of different things I'm doing, I'll just let the chocolate "sit" for awhile - while I do something else.
As the chocolate "sits," the temperature cools down very slowly. This is the spiritual equivalent to being put on a shelf - or taking a break from ministry activities. This could be a voluntary cessation of activity. Maybe we sensed that our time with a certain ministry or activity is coming to an end and we step down.
However, in my case, my "break" from ministry activity was 'forced' because I failed to meet certain requirements. This caused me to examine myself and seek the Lord for what I should be doing with my life. Chocolate is not something I would have ever chosen for myself - but it is what God has chosen for me.
Generally, when we're "taking a break" from ministry, it is because God is about to do something even more important in our lives and He wants to make sure we're ready for the change. He wants to give us additional training, testing, and possible gifts to prepare us for our next step.
I've been "on the shelf" for about 2-1/2 years now. God gave me chocolate for my "job," but He has shown me this process of "tempering" is pretty much the same that we as followers of Christ go through as we grow spiritually. So...if you're "on the shelf" or things don't seem to be happening as quickly as you'd like them to, remember that you're in training for your next assignment and allow God to do the internal work He needs to do to get you ready.
Sometimes though...I "speed up" the "tempering" process with my chocolate. More about that in the next post.
Are you being "cooled" right now - or are you in the thick of things? Post a comment and let me know!