Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ends and Beginnings - Part VI

Doesn't this look scrumptious? It's all in how it's presented. We're looking down from the top.

But what if you were in the tea pot? What would be your perspective then? You wouldn't see the pie right next to you. You wouldn't see the teacup right behind you. You might be tempted to think that you're alone.

But as we can see - from "up top" - like God's perspective - there's a beautiful pie waiting to be cut into. Can't you picture yourself hovering over this scene with a knife ready to cut into that pie?

If we look at things from an eternal point of view, ends and beginnings take on new meaning. If the teapot would only look around - it would see wonderful things just beyond it's field of vision. That's what we need to do too.

Look beyond our field of vision when we feel alone. Look beyond your field of vision when everything seems hopeless. Look beyond your field of vision when you can't see your hand in front of your face.

Just beyond our horizon....lays something wonderful! Next time: what's our 'real' end and beginning?

Ends and Beginnings - Part V

Ends and beginnings...ends and beginnings. Life goes full circle and as something ends, something else begins.

Today is the last day of June - so this month ends. And so ends the first half of the year!

But! So BEGINS the SECOND half of the year!

I believe there is much to look forward to! I just wish I knew what it was! My main beginning is: I'm beginning to "submit" my writings to publishers. I have the Temper, Temper message being considered by several "take home papers." If it's published for real, that's a new beginning for me.

I just began a second installment on Twitter of the Chocolate Saga of the Master Chocolatier and the 2.2-lb. block of Chocolate called "Chocolate and the Master's Helper." You can follow it on Facebook as well.

So...while something ends, something else begins. I love the beginnings; but I don't necessarily love endings.

What do you think? What's beginning in your life? How has God brought you full circle? Post a comment and let me know!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Ends and Beginnings - Part IV

This little mum is called "Golden Prophet." Each year it comes up because it's a perennial.

But it's planted on a grave...my dog's grave. I purchased this flower as a reminder that my dog lived - after she died.

I've always loved the color of "gold" because I'm reminded of where I'm going to go when I die - to a place where there are "streets" of gold. I love the word "prophet" because it implies future orientation - but in a "now" and life-giving way!

This place is beautiful! There's no more night...no more curse...no more crying, sighing or pain. Just heaven!! Just light! Just the Lord!! Just the fellowship with the saints and the angels! There is a river that flows through the middle of Main Street - and trees on each side for the healing of the nations!

Come Lord Jesus! What comes to your mind when you think of heaven? Post a comment and let me know!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Ends and Beginnings - Part III

Is this a sunrise or a sunset? Actually, it's a sunset, but sometimes, you can't tell the difference.

A sunrise begins the day, a sunset ends it. At least that's how we've always looked at it, right?

It's still all part of the cycle of life. I've been writing a lot this week about ending a writing program I started two years ago.

Two short, yet long, years ago. Time seems to speed up as we get older. Just 10 'short' years ago my mother had just ended her time of living in Kansas, and was now beginning life in Pennsylvania. We sold her house and we brought only a few things from her life there - here.

Yes, my Apprentice Program through Christian Writer's Guild has ended...but something 'new' will take it's place. It will be interesting to see what God has next.

What new beginning have you just embarked on? Post a comment and let me know.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Ends and Beginnings - Part II

Although I've just ended something...I've begun something else. Writing is now beginning to take on a life of its own. It expands daily.

My writing mentor can now become my coach, because I've ended being her student through CWG (Christian Writer's Guild), I can now become someone she coaches directly. If she approves, I can also write devotionals on her website (http://www.sandrabyrd.com/).

Yesterday, I was looking for an update to the eBible program I purchased in 2002 at the "end" of Worship Center Bible School...and I found another opportunity to write. So...I signed up to be a book reviewer. The only qualification to be a Thomas Nelson book reviewer is to have a blog. From time to time you'll see a book review posted here.

And so...the cycle of life continues. Although I've ended something, other things have begun. What things are you beginning? Post a comment and let me know.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Ends and Beginnings - Part I

Ends and beginnings...the circle of life. Something ends...something else begins.

Two and a half years ago, something ended for me...as a result - something else began. Actually, two something elses.

One was chocolate. The other was writing. Chocolate is perpetual now. Writing will be perpetual now.

Two years ago, I began an online writing program. Yesterday, June 15, I submitted my last lesson to my mentor. Today, I began a process known as "querying." I send a letter to a publication asking if they're interested in publishing "Temper, Temper." I got one quick answer today - Yes! They're interested. I submitted. We'll see.

A couple of friends have died recently - their 'life' ended here on earth - but life in their heavenly home as a spirit in heaven, has just begun. Other friends are beginning struggles or ending struggles with different things.

The cycle of life...it continues.

What is beginning in your life? What is ending? Post a comment and let me know.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Holiness - what does it mean - Part III

Another definition of holiness is "set apart for the service of the Lord." In church tradition, that's what baby dedications and baptisms are for.

But I think there comes a time when we need to set ourselves apart in a more special way.

For me, this has been a series of "set aparts." The first time was in Bible School. A prophetic minister came and encouraged us to consecrate ourselves in a new way to the Lord. I did so with all my heart.

I've done it several times since. It's a heart attitude. Holiness is a lifestyle, but it starts with a heart attitude. But a heart attitude starts with a decision.

Have you made a decision for holiness today? Post a comment and let me know.

Monday, June 1, 2009

New Thought Today - What is Murder?

We typically say someone or something "dies" when their heart stops beating.

I believe some people are dead while their heart beats. I'm a native of Kansas. I grew up only 22 miles from Wichita, where yesterday a brutal act of violence was murder.

Dr. George Tiller is dead. He was murdered in or outside of his church...presumably by a pro-life zealot, who is now in custody.

My question is: when did George Tiller, the PERSON, not the abortion doctor, die? I'm not sure he was ever "alive." How could someone who goes eight years to school and four years as an intern, use his skill to kill anything - let alone a "fetus" that is viably alive, and could live outside the womb?

Here's what I wrote in my journal yesterday.

It's never right to kill...even if that person IS "evil." We live under grace now. Someone who really opeated in the power of God might have been able to have gotten through to Dr. George Tiller with God's love.

However, I can't help thinking though...that his time had run out...his grace had run out because of the hardness of his heart. It's nasty when the enemy comes for one of his own. Dr. Tiller was in league with the spirit of murder, because abortion is the spirit of murder.

It looks to me like this was a situation where "you reap what you sow." But I feel terrible for him, for his family, and for his friends.

He had no idea when he got up that morning and planned to go to church - that it would be his last few hours on earth. It's never right to kill. I do not rejoice.

ORU graduate Larry Dalton also "died" that day. He was the founder of the singing group Living Sound. He took that group all over the world.

What a difference between these two men. Whereas Larry Dalton used his gifts for life - Drl Tiller used his gifts for death. One went to everlasting reward - the other one - we don't know, but it could be that he went to everlasting separation from God. Unless...he called out to Jesus in his last instant of breath "God save me!" If he did that, we might see him in heaven. If he didn't, we won't.

Jesus said by their fruits you know them. Dr. Tiller's fruits were death after death after death. How many thousands of babies did that man kill? It put me in mind of a passage from LaHaye and Jenkins' book The Glorious Appearing.

In that book, the anti-Christ, Nicolae, has to come face-to-face with the Returned Christ. In deep sadness, Jesus condemns him to the fiery lake. Nicolae himself confesses that his was a "wasted life." I wonder, is that what George Tiller is hearing?

Post a comment and let me know.