I must admit to feeling that all I'd been doing was reviewing books. That said, I have three more I've got to post soon - and I will - but... for now - I wanna do something different.
Something's been bothering me for quite some time. I wanna know what you think...
What's the difference between 'teaching' and 'parenting?' I know there are some similiarites - what would you say is the 'one thing' that would distinguish the two? I have my ideas - I want to hear yours.
Here's what I think: I think that teachers have less a connection with us than parents do. If we do remember a teacher at all, it's because they somehow made a difference in our lives. Why? What did they do differently than the ones we don't remember?
Again, I have my opinions.
I think that the memorable teachers 'nurtured' us in some way, on some level. They not only taught us the material, they cared about us. They really did. They 'helped' us, they encouraged us. They may have done 'extra' things to help us on our journey. I believe that's the key difference.
I believe that the 'special' teachers we remember and love were actually more like parents. They nurtured us. They disciplined us when needed, but we understood it. When they disciplined us, it was more out of their caring heart than an angry head.
Now - why am I asking these questions? That's Part II.
What do YOU think? Post a comment and let me know!