Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Temper Temper Part VII - What Do I Do Now?

What do I do now?

As a chocolatier, I've broken the chocolate into pieces, melted it, etc. Now what?

I check the temperature of the chocolate. When it's melted, the temperature can be anywhere from 100 - 115° F. Then, I let it cool off...put seed in to speed the process - only if I've a mind to. I've stirred and stirred the chocolate so that the temperature reading will be accurate.

I check the temperature with a digital thermometer. It tells me right away whether the chocolate is in "temper" or not. It's got to be down to a certain range in order for me to work with it. If it's in temper, it's ready to roll.

Different things happen to break us, melt us, and stir us. God, the Master Chocolatier, has everything under control. If we "seed" ourselves with His Word, it may speed up our process - or it may not - but it's always important to know scripture. It's our daily bread, or in chocolate lover's language - our daily chocolate.

There may be a period of time where it seems nothing is happening in our lives. We plod along day after day after day. Nothing seems to change. Yet God is still in charge. Let's try to remember that He's checking our temperature. Are we in "temper" yet?

And why the process? Hang in there. The answer is coming soon. Next time: what I can do with chocolate when it's in temper.

What do you do when nothing seems to be happening? Post a comment and let me know.

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