I like Che Ahn. I first read his book, Into the Fire, back in 2000, I was drawn into a hunger for the supernatural...the supernatural fire of God, the ways He works. He opens that book, and this one, describing the night angels were seen at Mott Auditorium at one of his meetings. It was glorious!
I suppose he's trying to stoke my hunger fire again with this book, but it didn't happen. Maybe it's me, and where I am in my spiritual walk right now. My heart always wants the presence of God in my life, but I must admit that sometimes I get in my own way. Don't take my current cynicism as criticism of Che Ahn. I like him, but I just wasn't able to get what I wanted from this book. Don't let me keep you from getting this book if you're hungry for God. I believe it will help you.
A teacher and preacher, Che Ahn gives you his point-by-point advice about how to experience more of God's glory in your own life. He explains what is meant by the glory of God. He explains how to pursue God. For those who are hungry and don't have a clue about how to pursue the Lord, this book is for you! You'll enjoy it. It just seemed kind of 'elementary' to me, something we should already know how to do. Like I said, maybe it's just me.
For most readers, here's what you're looking for in Chapter 8: How to Receive More Glory. He has a five-step plan, that if you follow, you'll feel closer to God and experience His presence in a greater way. 1) Repent & Consecrate; 2) Hunger & Thirst; 3) Receive an impartation (from someone in national/international ministry)*; 4) Give it away; 5) Build the church. Should we not always be doing these things whenever possible?
* This supposes that you are in a position to receive a direct and personal impartation from someone in national/international ministry. His was from Billy Graham, and he asked Dr. Graham to pray for him and impart to him. Not everyone is in that position.
I would recommend this book for anyone who does want to experience more of God in their lives. Read it when you're hungry, not when you're stressed or cynical.
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