This blog is not about writing - it's about what I am "passionate" about. And I am "passionate" about - of all things - GOD! I am passionate about His Word! I am in a passionate pursuit of Him! Writing will just be the vehicle for letting the "PASSION" come forth!
What are YOU passionate about? Let me know.
Love your blog "sight",just wanted to be the first to say so;-)
ReplyDeleteI am passionate in doing everything I can so that my children can be righteous and follow Him, even when it makes me unpopular with my children, their friends, and their friends parents. Their is a lot of pressure every where in the world to be popular, fit in, and be cool. But in the end, without a commitment to serving Him, you will be the most "uncoolest" person by a self-sentence to steamy hell.
ReplyDeleteMy oldest son, Nick went to Bakersfield last weekend and had a spiritual reawakening. When he shared his experiences with me, I has a reawakening of my own. Now I am passionate about cleaning up my life and doing only what God wants me to do. We can get into a rut which is what happened to me. Now I have come out of that rut and want to tell everyone "Hey you, I'm into Jesus" as dctalk would say.
ReplyDeleteSometimes God shows me things through my dreams. I've learned how to interpret my dreams, especially if they seem to have some meaning for the things I might be asking God about at the time.
Right now, my husband and I have been praying for Peter, my son, to have direction in his life for a job that will give him experience in the business world, as in less than a year he'll be finished with his BA in Business at Biola University.
A few days ago, I dreamed I was traveling in the back seat of a car. When I told the older gentleman about my concerns for my son, he immediately said he knew someone who had some connections in the business world. Right then a younger man appeared next to me in the back seat. He smiled and laughed and whipped out a small notepad on which he scribbled his name and phone number, along with the name of a very large corporate business.
In spite of what I might think about this dream, I felt it was God telling me something to communicate to my son. I sent my son an e-mail the next morning and told him about my dream. By now, my son knows I'm somewhat of a visionary, so he doesn't argue with me about it. He'll be checking into the company I told him about...