Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Teachers - Parents - Part I

Monday, October 19, 2009
Piece de Resistance book review
By Sandra Byrd
In a word – delightful, witty, charming, fun – Ok, I know, that’s four words! I can now say I’ve read the three books in Sandra Byrd’s French Twist series, which started with Let Them Eat Cake, then Bon Appétit, and now Pièce de Résistance.
It is chick lit at its best, romantic, yet ‘clean,’ and that’s what I like about it. I recently read a book published by a ‘secular’ publishing house about the life of a Biblical character from a Bible story. I didn’t like it. But I like this.
Like many others, I’ve enjoyed following a year and a half in the life of Lexi Stuart, the mid-20-something heroine looking to find her place in life. I could easily identify with her – she went through many of the same struggles I did at that age (and beyond) – except for me – it’s taken a lot longer to get my act together, so to speak.
In this, the final book of the series, Lexi, who has been named assistant manager, has just a few short months to get the start-up high-end bakery profitable before she runs out of operating funds. She’s called upon to do marketing and manage staff, the very two things she doesn’t like to do, but which come as part of the job package.
Complicating matters is her relationship with her attractive French boss and beau Philippe and his charming daughter Celine, plus the down-to-earth lawyer Dan, a Seattle native. Whom will she choose? Will the choice be made for her?
With plot twists and fun surprises, Sandra Byrd has finished up this particular leg of Lexi’s journey with laughter and love – wit and wisdom. Through it all, Lexi continues to grow in her relationship with the Lord, and learns to rely more on His guidance.
You don’t have to read the first two books in order to enter into Lexi’s current world, because the book outlines the pertinent information. But I think you’ll want to.
And me, as a Chocolatier, found Pièce de Résistance, the pièce de résistance of the French Twist series. Available online from http://www.sandrabyrd.com/, or most any bookstore or Amazon.com.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Perspective Please - The Noticer by Andy Andrews

In Andy’s case, he relates living under a pier as a young man after his parents died. Granted, he made some poor decisions, but at his lowest point, he finds himself crying out – not knowing anyone was listening.
Along comes Jones, a man of undetermined age and undermined race. He calls himself The Noticer. He dispenses advice and perspective like Solomon dispensed wisdom. He covers everything from love language dialects to how to find a mate to how to see your own value at whatever age you may be.
We see where Andy got his perspective. He’s read over 200 biographies, and went from a teenager living under a pier to what he is today – a best-selling author and public speaker.
In order to get my own perspective, I re-read Andrews’ book The Traveler’s Gift, which several people suggested I read after I’d experienced a devastating disappointment. It helped. That’s why I was already predisposed to read The Noticer. I was not disappointed.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Just Rambling Today

This yellow mum was in full bloom last year when I took it's picture. It was called "Golden Prophet." It was on my doggie's grave in the backyard.
One thing I have learned from the 'dead' season - use that to its fullest. Use the time to seek the Lord, to pursue Him passionately, as the name of this blog suggests. Allow the Lord to prune away those things within you that are not pleasing to Him.
I'm using plant language here - but many of you know my 'real' language is CHOCOLATE! Because once we're "tempered" (pruned, refined, and we start to grow again) - God can use us in ways we could never imagine! And it WILL be SWEET!
We need to remember - it's a PROCESS!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Overcoming Fear - Part IV

By Max Lucado
“Envision a day, just one day, absent the dread of failure, rejection, and calamity. Can you imagine a life with no fear?”
In Fearless, Max Lucado challenges us to imagine that day without fear of any kind.
What are we afraid of? In our times, we have plenty to fear. Fearless help us to identify and face our fears. Lucado shares some of his own fears he faced, such as heart surgery. From the Villagers of Stiltsville to William’s Psalm – this book takes you, chapter-by-chapter through the most common of our fears.
A discussion guide in the back is a great way to personalize what you’ve read and is ideal for small group discussion. A companion paperback booklet, Imagine Your Life Without Fear, is also available. It’s Fearless in a nutshell version and a great giveaway gift idea.
I faced a few fears of my own. The first time I read the book, I let it minister to me – and it did. The second time through helped adjust my thinking in a number of areas. The Psalms say: “The LORD is my light, and my salvation, whom shall I fear?” When we see Jesus for who He really is – we get our eyes off our fears, and they melt away in the light of God’s glory.
I would highly recommend this book to anyone – but especially if you want to learn to face your fears. Read Fearless.
Start imagining that life without fear. I am and I’m beginning to feel better for it.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Overcoming Fear - Part 3 - Perfect Love Casts Out

Once Maggie got over her fear of being held, after we'd had her maybe 6-8 months or so, she found she loved being held.
Then, we could pick her up and hold her anytime we wanted, or anytime she wanted.
She no longer had fear that something would be done to her - that's what I think her root fear was. She'd never known love and she'd never known that being held was a loving thing until finally, she got it!
Once she did - she loved being held. She & I used to sit on the couch all day on a day I wasn't working. You knew she was really getting into it when she splatted out on her side, with her head in my lap. She'd start out with her head on her front paws and fall asleep. Then, after awhile, she'd go splat - and I knew she was settling in for a long hold. I always hated to disturb her at that point.
She learned to be loved and she learned to be held. She learned she was perfectly loved. Because she was perfectly loved, she could be held - that being held was a part of being loved. And she wasn't afraid of being held anymore.
I John 4:18 says "There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.
We're like that. God wants to speak to our storms, and calm our fears. But we're too busy being afraid...speaking out our fears and wringing our hands.
Just like Eliza Doolittle in My Fair Lady, we wonder what will become of us.
She stands in the corner like a wallflower. She asks Professor Higgins what belongs to her and what doesn't. Then, she wails in fear:
"Oh what will become of me!"
She wondered that because she had no guarantee that Professor Higgins loved her enough to want her to stay on in any capacity. We know that in the end, they acknowledge they have fallen in love with each other, and end up together. "Where the devil are my slippers?" Higgins asks.
Have you ever felt that way? It's because we don't understand God's perfect love for us at times. Fear replaces faith that He will work everything out.
Next week: our book review of Fearless, by Max Lucado.
Let me know what you think! Blessings until next time!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Overcoming Fear - Part 2 - F-E-A-R
Caption: Maggie in a non-fearful moment
F - E - A - R. It's been called "False Evidence Appearing Real." But what if the "fear" isn't "false evidence."
What if something you're dreading actually happens. When things we are "afraid" will happen actually do...we get a bad health report, we lose our job, our credit report takes a tumble, a loved one dies, whatever it is - when it happens, what can we do?
Since we can't control the event - we do something else. We control our response! And you know what? That's actually the best thing we can do. What should our response be?
1) Pray - and this is the BEST thing we can do. Prayer centers us. Prayer gets our minds off ourselves and onto God. Prayer puts our spirits in charge. Prayer brings peace.
2) Read the Word - often God will bring us peace and comfort through the reading of His holy Word. He'll tell us right where to go to get our answer. It always amazes me when I'm puzzling about something, God will quietly tell me just where to go to find peace.
3) Worship - this is also important. If we can praise the Lord for any and all circumstances in our lives, we build Him up in our hearts. Whether we sing or play an instrument or we listen to a worship CD - this is important to do on a daily basis, but especially when fear hits us.
4) Breathe in the Life of the Spirit of God - Fear comes to our minds, our emotions. If we breathe in the life of the Holy Spirit - our spirits rise up and take control of our emotions. Our spirits, because the Holy Spirit lives in us, can overcome anything. It is through our spirits, that peace comes to our minds.
5) Take thoughts captive - sometimes, I have literally said this over and over to myself out loud. When a mental attack comes after taking spiritual ground, we need to remember that we don't wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers. This also helps to calm us and helps our spirits take control of our bodies and emotions.
What fears have you had to face lately? Is it fear of the future, fear of non-provision, fear of a relationship going sour, or fear that you've missed it? Post a comment and let me know. We're discussing fear for another couple of weeks. The week of September 8th, I'm posting a book review of Max Lucado's newest book, Fearless.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Overcoming Fear - Part 1 - Revised
This is Maggie. When I got her, she was one fearful dog. She trembled every time I picked her up.
She hid behind my legs whenever young children came around. She didn't want to have anything to do with them.
It took a couple of years before she would enjoy being held or not hide behind me when she saw a child coming.
It seems that for the last several years, God has been dealing with me and my fears. This started towards the end of February 2007. At that time, He was bringing me emotional healing and showing me a new direction than the one I had been going.
The first thing He asked me to do: contact a classmate from college via ORU's Face Place, an ORU-alumni Facebook type social site. I knew this classmate wouldn't remember after all these years unless I uploaded a photo - so I did. I wasn't sure I'd hear back from him, but I did. He was nice.
The thing was - old fears of rejection were trying to come back to haunt me. What if, even after seeing my picture, he wouldn't remember me? What if he was sarcastic and didn't show any sincere feelings of good towards me?
I believe the older we get, and the more we go through - if we don't depend on the Lord, we get more fearful. I never used to think of myself as a fearful person. I may have even said that out loud - but as soon as I did - God started showing me all the different fears I had.
There's a lot we can be afraid of in this life if we let ourselves. The point is - not to let ourselves. Fear robs us of faith.
In September, a new book by Max Lucado is being released, called Fearless. To commemorate that, and to establish our book review of this book for Thomas Nelson, I'll be discussing fear, but not the book. I'll reference the book, but not review it until the week of September 8th.
In the meantime, there's plenty of fear to talk about. We can overcome it. What frightens you the most? Post a comment and let me know.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
New Beginnings - Part V

Sunday, August 2, 2009
New Beginnings - Part IV

Thursday, July 30, 2009
New Beginnings - Part III
New beginnings can sometimes take us down familiar roads. At that point, it's a choice: 1) Do we go back or do we proceed forward? 2) Is the door opening for a past desire or is it going to stay closed?
Only time will tell. In the meantime, I follow the Lord always. If He wants me to turn back to finish something I started five years ago, He'll make that way.
And even if God does want me to finish something I started five years ago, He still has plenty of new things He's getting me involved in...although some of them I've been doing for quite a while. Now, it's a new level of activity.
I encourage you to seek the Lord if you are going through something right now. Here's what God showed me in Scripture last night.
Isaiah 57:15b/c and 18-19a - it was so appropo for my situation yesterday, I marvelled that the prophet Isaiah had written so very long ago! God is speaking here in this passage.
"...I live in the high and holy place with those whose spirits are contrite and humble. I restore the crushed spirit of the humble and revive the courage of those with repentant hearts...I have seen what they did, but I will heal them anyway! I will lead them. I will comfort those who mourn, bringing words of priase to their lips."
Most of the time, the Lord wants us to proceed forward. If you've read the total book of Isaiah, you know that there are numerous times that God says to forget the past. But there are a couple of places where He says to remember.
One passage in particular gave me great comfort about 8 years ago in the middle of a testing time. I came to a place where my understanding was crashing. People in authority were in authority saying one thing. Teachers were saying the opposite. My spirit was aligning with the teacher. How could they both be right? Severe brain crash led to a questioning in my heart and a gut-wrenching experience in my soul.
"God!" I cried out at 4:00 a.m. "Do you I hear from You at all? Have I not heard right from You all these years?" And I waited.
A very quiet, little thought came to mind. "Isaiah 46." I started reading. When I got to verse 9, I began to weep. "Remember the former things of old, For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me." Yes. I'd heard. I got perspective the next day.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
New Beginnings - Part II

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
New Beginnings - Part I

Monday, July 6, 2009
Ends and Beginnings - Part VII

Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Ends and Beginnings - Part VI

Ends and Beginnings - Part V

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Ends and Beginnings - Part IV
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Ends and Beginnings - Part III

Thursday, June 18, 2009
Ends and Beginnings - Part II
Although I've just ended something...I've begun something else. Writing is now beginning to take on a life of its own. It expands daily.
My writing mentor can now become my coach, because I've ended being her student through CWG (Christian Writer's Guild), I can now become someone she coaches directly. If she approves, I can also write devotionals on her website (http://www.sandrabyrd.com/).
Yesterday, I was looking for an update to the eBible program I purchased in 2002 at the "end" of Worship Center Bible School...and I found another opportunity to write. So...I signed up to be a book reviewer. The only qualification to be a Thomas Nelson book reviewer is to have a blog. From time to time you'll see a book review posted here.
And so...the cycle of life continues. Although I've ended something, other things have begun. What things are you beginning? Post a comment and let me know.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Ends and Beginnings - Part I
Two and a half years ago, something ended for me...as a result - something else began. Actually, two something elses.
One was chocolate. The other was writing. Chocolate is perpetual now. Writing will be perpetual now.
Two years ago, I began an online writing program. Yesterday, June 15, I submitted my last lesson to my mentor. Today, I began a process known as "querying." I send a letter to a publication asking if they're interested in publishing "Temper, Temper." I got one quick answer today - Yes! They're interested. I submitted. We'll see.
A couple of friends have died recently - their 'life' ended here on earth - but life in their heavenly home as a spirit in heaven, has just begun. Other friends are beginning struggles or ending struggles with different things.
The cycle of life...it continues.
What is beginning in your life? What is ending? Post a comment and let me know.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Holiness - what does it mean - Part III

Another definition of holiness is "set apart for the service of the Lord." In church tradition, that's what baby dedications and baptisms are for.
But I think there comes a time when we need to set ourselves apart in a more special way.
For me, this has been a series of "set aparts." The first time was in Bible School. A prophetic minister came and encouraged us to consecrate ourselves in a new way to the Lord. I did so with all my heart.
I've done it several times since. It's a heart attitude. Holiness is a lifestyle, but it starts with a heart attitude. But a heart attitude starts with a decision.
Have you made a decision for holiness today? Post a comment and let me know.
Monday, June 1, 2009
New Thought Today - What is Murder?
We typically say someone or something "dies" when their heart stops beating.
I believe some people are dead while their heart beats. I'm a native of Kansas. I grew up only 22 miles from Wichita, where yesterday a brutal act of violence was murder.
Dr. George Tiller is dead. He was murdered in or outside of his church...presumably by a pro-life zealot, who is now in custody.
My question is: when did George Tiller, the PERSON, not the abortion doctor, die? I'm not sure he was ever "alive." How could someone who goes eight years to school and four years as an intern, use his skill to kill anything - let alone a "fetus" that is viably alive, and could live outside the womb?
Here's what I wrote in my journal yesterday.
It's never right to kill...even if that person IS "evil." We live under grace now. Someone who really opeated in the power of God might have been able to have gotten through to Dr. George Tiller with God's love.
However, I can't help thinking though...that his time had run out...his grace had run out because of the hardness of his heart. It's nasty when the enemy comes for one of his own. Dr. Tiller was in league with the spirit of murder, because abortion is the spirit of murder.
It looks to me like this was a situation where "you reap what you sow." But I feel terrible for him, for his family, and for his friends.
He had no idea when he got up that morning and planned to go to church - that it would be his last few hours on earth. It's never right to kill. I do not rejoice.
ORU graduate Larry Dalton also "died" that day. He was the founder of the singing group Living Sound. He took that group all over the world.
What a difference between these two men. Whereas Larry Dalton used his gifts for life - Drl Tiller used his gifts for death. One went to everlasting reward - the other one - we don't know, but it could be that he went to everlasting separation from God. Unless...he called out to Jesus in his last instant of breath "God save me!" If he did that, we might see him in heaven. If he didn't, we won't.
Jesus said by their fruits you know them. Dr. Tiller's fruits were death after death after death. How many thousands of babies did that man kill? It put me in mind of a passage from LaHaye and Jenkins' book The Glorious Appearing.
In that book, the anti-Christ, Nicolae, has to come face-to-face with the Returned Christ. In deep sadness, Jesus condemns him to the fiery lake. Nicolae himself confesses that his was a "wasted life." I wonder, is that what George Tiller is hearing?
Post a comment and let me know.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Holiness - what does it mean - Part II

Last time, we looked at Webster's definition of holiness. My favorite definition was #2, which said: spiritually perfect or pure, untainted by evil or sin, sinless, saintly.
OK. We know that we are never going to be "perfect" without sin on this planet. But I believe we can be "saintly." I believe we can be "spiritually" pure, and and I believe we can allow the Lord to help us to become "untainted" by evil or sin.
In Matthew, Jesus said, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." This has been a prayer of mine since I was a child. I can remember studying the beatitudes in a Bible study in a church across the street from our elementary school. I read that, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God" and I decided that I wanted to be able to "see" God.
There was a time, though, in my late 20s and early 30s that I "tainted" myself by watching a few movies I shouldn't have. At that time, it was all the rage to say "I can handle it. I'm mature." But what this does is taint us. I had to come to a point where I said, "Lord, forgive me and cleanse my mind." And He has.
Many of us don't realize that what we watch, what we read, what we listen to - affects us in our spirits as well as our minds. My former pastor used to say it this way: "If you don't think Jesus would be comfortable watching what you're watching, then don't YOU watch it either." He said he was convicted by his statements. He had to be careful not to watch "R" rated action-adventure films because of the violence.
I heard a story one time. A pastor called up a prophetic friend of his. The pastor had walked by his 8-year old son's bedroom one day and saw his son talking apparently, to NO ONE. He later asked his son who he was talking to. His son said, "The angel." His father saw no angel. He asked his prophetic friend about it. The friend said, "Next time you see him talking with "no one" ask him why you can't see the angel."
So he did. A while later, he walked by his son's bedroom and saw him talking with "no one." He said, "Son, are you talking with that angel of yours?" "Yes," his son replied. "Could you ask the angel why I can't see him?" "Sure," his son said.
The pastor waited until his son asked and received an answer. Just a few seconds later, his son said, "I have the answer." The pastor said, "Well..." "Uh Dad, he says you can't see him because you've seen too much evil."
Yikes!!! We don't "see" into the realm of the supernatural because we've seen too much evil. The Bible says we are to be transformed by the REWEWING of our MINDS. But I also think there's an element of spiritual renewal as well. We need to keep ourselves "pure in heart" so that WE can see God.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Something New! What is Holiness?
Webster's New World Dictionary says: the quality or state of being holy.
Holy: is dedicated to religious use; belonging to or coming from God, consecrated, sacred; 2) spritually perfect or pure; untainted by evil or sin, sinless, saintly; 3) regarded with or deserving deep respect, awe, reverence or adoration.
That's all the farther I'll go with Webster's. My definition of holiness best fits the second definition. It's the one I like the best, and the one I try to live by.
How about you?
Saturday, May 9, 2009
WHY we need to be tempered
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Breaking Bad

Friday, May 1, 2009
What I can do with Tempered Chocolate

My chocolate is in "temper." For dark chocolate, that would be around 88°. I am now ready to work with it.
The picture at left, shows chocolate being used to provide the "bottom" to a bon bon type chocolate, using a mold. The chocolatier pours the chocolate into the mold cavities, then scrapes off the excess, which is what this chocolatier is beginning to do.
Once my chocolate is in temper, I can do whatever I want to. I can use it to enrobe a peanut butter ball center. I can dip or enrobe a pretzel. I can mold with it. I can decorate with it by grating it, or "molding" it over acetate to create a swirl. I can use tempered chocolate as glue if I were making a chocolate sculpture. I can use chocolate to flavor my ultra rich dark chocolate non-dairy truffle.
Once we've been "tempered," God can use us in a myriad of ways. If we're greeters, our smile and handshake welcome first time and repeat visitors, as well as our friends. If we're a worship leader, our voices and our instruments usher in the presence of God. If we're a small group leader, we can give wise advice to those who are hurting, and with our heart of a pastor, keep those hurting from slipping and falling.
What is it God wants to do with YOU? Have you been "tempered" by God? Post a comment and let me know.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Temper Temper Part VIII

We feel we've been poked and prodded by God and we wonder - what is it all for?
When I work with chocolate, I, as the chocolatier, know that I have a purpose for doing all this to my chocolate.
Finally, the chocolate is in "temper." If it's milk chocolate, as shown in the photo, it's around 86°. One of the things I can do with "tempered" chocolate is to enrobe a truffle center in it, as is shown in the photo.
There are many other things I can do as well. I can pour tempered chocolate into a turkey mold and later find a perfectly solid, wonderfully formed milk chocolate turkey.
I can dip a pretzel rod, I can use chocolate to decorate other chocolate. I can use chocolate for flavoring my dark chocolate truffle centers - or as a coating for a truffle.
There are lots of things I can do with "tempered" chocolate.
Do you see the connection yet? When we have allowed God to "temper" us - we open up a myriad of opportunities for God to use us - however He pleases - because He is the Master Chocolatier.
Next time: Why it's important to be "tempered." What happens when chocolate isn't tempered correctly? How has God been "tempering" you? Where are you in the process? Post a comment and let us know.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Temper Temper Part VII - What Do I Do Now?

Friday, April 3, 2009
Temper, Temper Part VI - Stirring & Seeding

In my last post, I said that there was a way to "speed" up the cooling off process.
It's called 'seeding.' When I have a molten mass of chocolate in front of me and I am pressed for time, I'll put in some "seed."
'Seed' is already properly tempered and set chocolate that has been cut into shavings or very small pieces for easy absorption. However, the hotter the melted chocolate is, the more 'seed' I have to put in. If I've got about eight ounces of melted chocolate and it's temperature is around 105°, I may have to put in a good 2-3 ounces of 'seed' chocolate in order to bring the temperature down quickly and smoothly.
I usually add it about a tablespoon at a time to make sure that I don't cool the chocolate off too quickly and that the the 'seed' is absorbed easily. I have to do a lot more stirring at the same time in order for the small shavings/pieces to be assimilated into the melted chocolate. I check the temperature often.
Can you see the correlation yet? What is the 'seed' in the life of a follower of Christ? It is the Word of God. It is the Bible. So...what should you do when you've been broken, melted, and stirred, and need to be cooled?
You put in your 'seed.' You press in to the Lord and you read the Word. You spend time reading and learning His Word. I believe because I pressed into the Lord by reading a lot of the Bible every day after my 'forced break' was the reason I was shown the chocolate so quickly. I'm not saying that God will always do this for you. But anytime you sink yourself into the Word of God, there will be good results.
Next time: What can I do now?
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Temper, Temper Part V - Cooling Off Period
While I'm stirring my chocolate, I need to bring the temperature down to around 86 - 88° depending on what type of chocolate I'm using.
If I have a lot of different things I'm doing, I'll just let the chocolate "sit" for awhile - while I do something else.
As the chocolate "sits," the temperature cools down very slowly. This is the spiritual equivalent to being put on a shelf - or taking a break from ministry activities. This could be a voluntary cessation of activity. Maybe we sensed that our time with a certain ministry or activity is coming to an end and we step down.
However, in my case, my "break" from ministry activity was 'forced' because I failed to meet certain requirements. This caused me to examine myself and seek the Lord for what I should be doing with my life. Chocolate is not something I would have ever chosen for myself - but it is what God has chosen for me.
Generally, when we're "taking a break" from ministry, it is because God is about to do something even more important in our lives and He wants to make sure we're ready for the change. He wants to give us additional training, testing, and possible gifts to prepare us for our next step.
I've been "on the shelf" for about 2-1/2 years now. God gave me chocolate for my "job," but He has shown me this process of "tempering" is pretty much the same that we as followers of Christ go through as we grow spiritually. So...if you're "on the shelf" or things don't seem to be happening as quickly as you'd like them to, remember that you're in training for your next assignment and allow God to do the internal work He needs to do to get you ready.
Sometimes though...I "speed up" the "tempering" process with my chocolate. More about that in the next post.
Are you being "cooled" right now - or are you in the thick of things? Post a comment and let me know!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Temper, Temper Part IV - Shaken AND Stirred

To recap - First, I break the chocolate into pieces. Sometimes, we as followers of Christ need to be broken into pieces, when our hearts have become too hard.
Next, I melt the chocolate in some kind of pot. The temperature is fairly hot. When we are in the Master Refiner's fire, it's hot and it hurts. We have to believe that God is doing this for a GOOD reason!
NEXT: When I'm working with chocolate after it's melted, I continually stir the liquid chocolate so that all the melted cocoa butter crystals can be distributed equally throughout the melted mass. I stir and stir and stir and stir.
While we are being refined, God stirs us up for love and good deeds. During our times of trial, we should be stirring ourselves up to press into God, so that we can experience His mercy, His strength, and His love. When we're melted, we can become depressed. We have to rise above that and press in.
Substitute the words "press in" for "stir." So, as a chocolatier, I stir and stir and stir and stir and stir. We should then press in and press in and press in and press in and press in. I'll share how I do that (press in) next time.
How do you stir yourself up to press in? Post a comment and let me know.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Overcoming Fear

Picture: Maggie on her "perch" at the top of the stairs of our old house
When we first got Maggie, (who has sinced passed away in 2003), she was a very frightened dog.
A breed dog who'd had little human contact, she wasn't sure how to respond to love and affection.
She trembled for several hours after I first picked her up that late October day in 1994. There were a lot of "firsts" in her life and she was frightened. This was a new person who just took her away from all she'd known.
When she finally figured out she was "my" dog later that day, she stopped trembling. She helped me overcome fear of being a bad "mommy." She overcame fear of being held and being loved.
Today, God has me overcoming fear of getting my name "out there." I just sent what is called a "query letter" to a magazine about Temper, Temper. I had to overcome fear of rejection in order to do that.
What fears are you being asked to overcome? Post a comment and let me know.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Temper Temper Part III - Aaack! I'm melting!
In "The Wizard of Oz" the Wicked Witch of the West screamed when water was thrown on her. "Aaack! I'm melting! I'm melting!" she screamed as she literally melted away into nothingness.
The first thing I do as a chocolatier after breaking my chocolate blocks or callets into pieces is to melt the chocolate. I have to break down it's current form in order to get it to the place where I can "re-form" it. In order to be melted, it goes in a "hot" pan or bowl. I have several different ways I can melt my chocolate...melter...double boiler, etc. But the result is the same. It's gotta be in liquid form.
When God wants to "re-form" us, He first breaks us, then we're melted. It's the refining fire. It's hot and it hurts.
We are all in various stages of being "re-formed." What is God doing in your life? How is He re-forming you? Post a comment and let me know.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Temper Temper Part II - I'm in pieces - now what?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Temper Temper Part IA - Different ways to Break
This Almond Bark set properly and could be broken into big chunks or into little slivers. I chose big chunks. I used my hand in a plastic glove to break the large blob of Almond Bark into smaller chunks.
As the chocolatier, I can break slabbed chocolate several different ways. I can use a knife and sliver away at the block of chocolate or I can use an ice pick, or use the knife to cut large chunks off the block.
God uses many different ways to "break" us so He can "remake" us. He can use circumstances, He can use events, He can use our mistakes, He can even use our failures & successes to teach us what He wants us to learn.
Two years ago, God used a "failure" to teach me a very important lesson. I was totally broken, shattered into a million pieces. I had absolutely no confidence in myself to choose what to do next. That's when God gave me CHOCOLATE!
What has God shown you? Post a comment and let me know!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Temper Temper Part I

These blocks of chocolate are about 10 or 11 pounds of pure solid chocolate, whether it be dark, white, or milk.
When they come in this form, I as the chocolatier, can't really do anything with them.
When our hearts have become hardened, what can God do with us?
The first thing I do is break the blocks into pieces - if I'm using block bulk chocolate. Lately, I've taken to using chocolate which has already been broken up, or molded into smaller chunks. That way the chocolate is ready for the second step.
How have you been broken? Post a comment and let me know. Blessings! D
Thursday, February 26, 2009
The Personal Chocolate Blog
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
What's This All About?

This blog is not about writing - it's about what I am "passionate" about. And I am "passionate" about - of all things - GOD! I am passionate about His Word! I am in a passionate pursuit of Him! Writing will just be the vehicle for letting the "PASSION" come forth!
What are YOU passionate about? Let me know.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Personal Passionate Pursuits