Monday, June 1, 2009

New Thought Today - What is Murder?

We typically say someone or something "dies" when their heart stops beating.

I believe some people are dead while their heart beats. I'm a native of Kansas. I grew up only 22 miles from Wichita, where yesterday a brutal act of violence was murder.

Dr. George Tiller is dead. He was murdered in or outside of his church...presumably by a pro-life zealot, who is now in custody.

My question is: when did George Tiller, the PERSON, not the abortion doctor, die? I'm not sure he was ever "alive." How could someone who goes eight years to school and four years as an intern, use his skill to kill anything - let alone a "fetus" that is viably alive, and could live outside the womb?

Here's what I wrote in my journal yesterday.

It's never right to kill...even if that person IS "evil." We live under grace now. Someone who really opeated in the power of God might have been able to have gotten through to Dr. George Tiller with God's love.

However, I can't help thinking though...that his time had run out...his grace had run out because of the hardness of his heart. It's nasty when the enemy comes for one of his own. Dr. Tiller was in league with the spirit of murder, because abortion is the spirit of murder.

It looks to me like this was a situation where "you reap what you sow." But I feel terrible for him, for his family, and for his friends.

He had no idea when he got up that morning and planned to go to church - that it would be his last few hours on earth. It's never right to kill. I do not rejoice.

ORU graduate Larry Dalton also "died" that day. He was the founder of the singing group Living Sound. He took that group all over the world.

What a difference between these two men. Whereas Larry Dalton used his gifts for life - Drl Tiller used his gifts for death. One went to everlasting reward - the other one - we don't know, but it could be that he went to everlasting separation from God. Unless...he called out to Jesus in his last instant of breath "God save me!" If he did that, we might see him in heaven. If he didn't, we won't.

Jesus said by their fruits you know them. Dr. Tiller's fruits were death after death after death. How many thousands of babies did that man kill? It put me in mind of a passage from LaHaye and Jenkins' book The Glorious Appearing.

In that book, the anti-Christ, Nicolae, has to come face-to-face with the Returned Christ. In deep sadness, Jesus condemns him to the fiery lake. Nicolae himself confesses that his was a "wasted life." I wonder, is that what George Tiller is hearing?

Post a comment and let me know.

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